The Importance of Medical Attention for a Personal Injury Claim

After an accident, medical attention is necessary to determine what your injuries are and what your treatment plan should be. But it is almost equally important to do so that you can obtain the financial compensation that you require to heal. Discover the important role that medical care plays in a personal injury claim and how one of the seasoned Santa Clara County personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady can help fight for your case.

How does receiving medical attention support my personal injury claim?

Self-treating an injury may do the job of recovering your health, but it will not help with recovering your financial compensation. Therefore, the following are benefits that come with seeking immediate medical attention after your accident:

  • Satisfying the burden of proof: for a personal injury claim, you are required to collect evidence that will back up every statement that you make about the other party’s negligence. Medical documentation is an essential piece of evidence.
  • Establishing causation: the longer you wait, the harder it is to prove that the accident was the direct cause of your injuries. This will invite the jury, judge, and the other party’s insurance company to question the seriousness of your injuries.
  • Maximizing your settlement offer: If you do not seek medical attention, you do not know the full extent of your injuries and what your future medical costs will be. In turn, you may accept a settlement that does not cover all of your expenses. And once you accept a settlement, you cannot go back and ask for more.

How do I get medical attention after my accident?

At the scene of the accident, call 911. The law enforcement officers will likely call for medical attention on your behalf, and you should allow them to attend to you as soon as possible. Even after the commotion of the accident, you should go to the hospital independently to receive any treatment necessary, and collect any and all bills and documents throughout the process.

What is the statute of limitations in California?

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in California is generally two years from the date of your accident. With this, it is important that you receive immediate medical attention, and immediate services from one of the knowledgeable Santa Clara County personal injury attorneys, before you are barred from suing and lose out on the compensation that you rightfully deserve.


When someone is wrongly injured in an accident, they often require financial compensation to heal. That’s where we come in. Contact the Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady today to learn more about what our firm can do for you.