Auto Accident Attorney in Mountain View, CA
In the state of California, automobile accidents happen on a daily basis. Accident victims can suffer for years down the road in a variety of ways, including significant physical, emotional, and financial burdens. Many times, the negligence of one or both parties contributes to the accident. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident that was not your fault, you may be able to recover money from the driver who caused the accident and his or her insurance company. For over 40 years, the Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady has represented accident victims throughout Santa Clara County. To discuss your situation with a legal team you can trust, contact our office today.
Auto Accident Cases We Handle
The Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady has four decades of experience representing accident victims across central California. Some of the many motor vehicle accident cases we can assist you with include the following:
- Bicycle accidents: Bicyclists are more exposed to the elements than essentially all other motorists on the road, and if you have been injured due to the negligence of another driver, you most likely qualify for compensation.
- Bus accidents: Bus accident injuries are seldom the passenger’s fault, and if you have been hurt in a bus accident, there is a very good chance that you can hold the bus driver or other motorist liable in a personal injury claim.
- Car accidents: Car accidents are the most common type of auto accident, though this does not make them any less jarring, dangerous, and potentially deadly.
- Motorcycle accidents: Motorcyclists very often do not receive the respect they deserve on the road. They are frequently tailed too closely, struck by drivers changing lanes without checking their mirrors, and more.
- Pedestrian accidents: If you were simply crossing the road or walking down the sidewalk when you were struck by a careless motorist, there is a very good chance you are now dealing with serious, potentially permanent injuries. We are here to fight for the justice you deserve.
- Train accidents: Though rarer than most auto accidents, train accidents do happen, and when they do, multiple people are often seriously injured as a result. This is unacceptable.
- Truck accidents: Commercial trucks are so large and heavy that they often cause serious injuries in accidents, including traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, and back injuries. Truck accidents are most often caused by driver fatigue, speeding, distracted driving, and improper loading. If a person is hurt in an accident because of a truck driver’s negligence, that truck driver and the trucking company he or she works for can be held legally responsible.
- Uber/Lyft accidents: Though Uber and Lyft services are becoming more and more of a part of our daily lives, the truth is, serious accidents can still occur when these drivers are careless. For this very reason, Uber/Lyft has a specific system in place regarding liability coverage for injured passengers.
- Drunk driving accidents: There are few acts more reckless than getting behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol. Though it is both unsafe and illegal, people still do it. That being said, victims of drunk driving deserve compensation and we are here to fight for it.
Recovering Compensation After an Accident
If you were the victim of a California motor vehicle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for the various burdens that you faced as a result of the other driver’s negligence. The experienced personal injury professionals at our firm are committed to helping you recover damages for the cost of medical bills, lost wages, the cost of medical equipment, and other financial burdens you may have faced. Not only may we be able to recover economic damages, but we may also be able to recover compensation for other burdens such as emotional distress, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life. If you need an experienced attorney who will fight for you, contact the Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady today.
Who pays my medical bills after an accident?
One of the most common questions our firm receives has to do with who will pay their medical bills if they have been wrongly injured by another driver. To be very clear, if you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you should not have to pay your own medical bills. Instead, your medical bills will most likely be paid for by the negligent driver’s insurance company.
What is PIP?
PIP, or Personal Injury Protection, is a form of insurance that is mandatory in many states, however, it is not mandatory in California. That being said, many people still carry it. Essentially, Personal Injury Protection, otherwise known as no-fault insurance, will cover a portion of your medical bills, and sometimes even a portion of your lost wages if you are unable to return to work due to injuries sustained in an accident, regardless of who caused the accident. That being said, if you are someone who has been injured in an accident due to the fault of another driver, oftentimes, PIP will not cover the full extent of your medical bills, in which case it is in your best interest to hire an experienced California personal injury attorney who can fight for the remainder of the compensation you need to heal. Our firm has helped countless individuals through the claims process for years, and we know we have the skill and dedication needed to do the same for you, too.
Will I have to go to court for a personal injury claim?
Fortunately, for most of our clients, the answer to this question is no. Generally speaking, we are able to achieve a favorable settlement on your behalf outside of the courtroom setting. That being said, there are times where we believe you can achieve a far greater settlement by taking your case to trial. Of course, we will not do so without your permission, however, if we do, you can be confident that we will fight to resolve your case as swiftly and efficiently as possible.
Will I have to sue my friend or relative if I am injured as a passenger in their car?
This is another very common question clients ask our firm. So, let’s say you were a passenger in your friend’s car as he or she was driving down the road. Suddenly, a deer ran out in the road and your friend swerved out of the way, though he/she went directly into a telephone pole and you sustained serious injuries. Of course, you do not want to sue your friend for an honest mistake, however, this does not change the fact that you have been seriously injured and require some sort of compensation to help you heal. Fortunately, many of our clients are relieved to learn that they do not have to sue their friend at all. In fact, if you are injured as a passenger, you will instead sue that driver’s insurance company, which, in many cases, will not cost your friend a dime out of pocket, while still helping you recover financial compensation. Our firm has handled various cases of this nature, and you can trust us to do the same for you.
What should I bring to my initial consultation?
If you are injured in an accident, of course, it is our job to fight for you. That being said, to make the process go as smoothly as possible, you should try and bring the following to your initial consultation with our firm so we can get started right away:
- The police report filed at the scene of your accident.
- The name, phone number, and email address of anyone who saw your accident and is willing to corroborate your claim.
- Pictures of the accident–this includes any damage to your car, the negligent motorist’s vehicle, and any property that was involved in the accident.
- Your insurance information.
- Any correspondence you’ve had either with the at-fault motorists or their insurance company. This can include, texts, emails, phone calls, and more.
- You should bring a written statement regarding how the accident happened, in chronological order. You can write this statement yourself, though it would be ideal if you can get a written or recorded statement from a witness as well.
- Medical documents regarding how your injuries occurred, and how they will affect your daily life going forward. Doctor’s notes are extremely valuable when it comes to personal injury claims.
We understand that this may sound like a lot, however, you need not be overwhelmed. If you do not have all of this information at the ready, do not fear–we are still here to fight for the compensation you need, and we will work to uncover all of the documentation needed to do so.
Statute of Limitations in California
If you are injured in an auto accident, it may be your first notion to simply wait to see if your injuries heal on their own. After all, nobody wants to get involved in a complex legal matter if they do not have to. We completely understand this, however, unfortunately, this is usually not the best idea. This is because California, as all other states, has a statute of limitations in place. Since the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in California is, generally, two years, you will, under most circumstances, only have two years from the date of your accident to take legal action against the motorist responsible. If you wait any longer than two years, you will most likely be time-barred from suing. Do not let this happen. Our firm is ready to fight for the compensation you need today. All you have to do is give us a call.
Contact a Santa Clara Accident Attorney
We understand that there are few things more devastating than being severely injured in an accident that simply was not your fault. That is why if you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries in a Santa Clara motor vehicle accident due to the negligence of another driver, it is important that you take your legal options into consideration. The Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady has over 40 years of experience helping accident victims achieve the justice they are entitled to, and we are a trusted and respected member of the legal community. We understand the impacts of a serious accident on your life and are ready to help you pursue your legal options. Contact our firm today to learn more about how we can help you through every step of the claims process ahead.