According to research, nearly 40% of California households own a pet, and of that percentage, a significant proportion of these companion animals are dogs. While dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend,” they are still animals, meaning they can be dangerous. If a dog owner fails to provide their pet with the proper behavioral training to protect others from harm, they can be held responsible for their pet’s vicious actions. If you or someone you love has suffered a dog attack injury without provocation, you need our talented Santa Clara County Dog Bite Accident Attorneys to help you fight for the maximum compensation you may be entitled to for the damages you’ve incurred. Please continue reading to learn about dog bite liability laws in South Carolina.
When do I have the right to sue for a dog attack injury in California?
Fortunately, if you are attacked by a canine, dog bite laws provide you with certain rights as they hold dog owners financially responsible for injuries and bite-related losses caused by their pets. California imposes strict liability rules. This means that dog owners are strictly liable for attack injuires that occur on public property or when the injured person was lawfully on private property, including the dog owner’s premises. Unlike other states that have adopted “one-bite” rules, in the Golden State, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog owner’s knowledge of their dangerous propensity.
However, there are exceptions to a dog owner’s liability for a dog attack injury. If a dog owner can prove that an injured person contributed to the cause of the attack by deliberately annoying, teasing, tormenting, or abusing the canine in any way, they would not be held liable for their pet’s actions. Similarly, if the injured person were trespassing, meaning they did not have consent to be on private property at the time of the incident, they would not have a valid claim.
How long do I have to file a claim?
If you have suffered a dog attack injury, act fast to safeguard your legal rights. If you wait too long to file your claim, you risk accidentally relinquishing your right to take legal action in the future. You have two years from the date of your dog attack injury to file a claim against the negligent dog owner. If you miss this strict deadline, it will result in the absolute bar of recovery. To ensure you file your claim within the right timeframe, contact a trusted Santa Clara County dog bite attorney who can guide you through this complex legal process.
If you’ve suffered a dog attack injury, contact an experienced attorney from the legal team at The Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady, who can help you fight to obtain the total and fair compensation you deserve. is vital