What You Should Know About Department Store Accidents

It is very possible to have an accident in a department store. This is unfortunately due to many property owners not properly maintaining their stores which can result in many negligent factors that contribute to unsafe conditions. If you have been injured in a department store accident, you will need the assistance of an experienced California personal injury attorney to walk you through the legal process ahead. Contact our firm today to understand your eligibility for compensation. Continue reading to discover the most common causes of department store accidents, what you should do following an accident, and the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in California.

What are the most common causes of department store accidents?

There are many factors that can cause a department store accident. The following factors are typically caused by negligent property owners that could have been prevented with proper maintenance:

  • Spills
  • Malfunctioning elevators or escalators
  • Merchandise falling from shelves
  • Obstructions in aisles
  • Jagged shelves or showcases

What should I do following a department store accident?

  1. Alert the store owner so that they can file an incident report.
  2. Call the authorities so that they can file a police report and bring any necessary medical assistance to the scene.
  3. Seek medical assistance immediately for your injuries. Be sure to collect all medical documents regarding the incident. These documents should state the time, date, and severity of your injuries.
  4. Take photos of the scene and your injuries. These photos should include the unsafe conditions that caused your accidents.
  5. Collect any witnesses’ contact information.
  6. Reach out to an experienced California personal injury attorney to begin your personal injury claim to receive the compensation you deserve. An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to gather all relevant evidence necessary for your case like security footage.

What is the statute of limitations for department store accidents in California?

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in California is generally two years. This means that you will have two years’ time from the date of your accident to take legal action regarding your accident. It is important to understand this timeline because if you fail to take legal action before this time is complete, you may be barred from suing. To begin this process as soon as possible, you should reach out to a personal injury attorney today to discuss your options and to visualize what your upcoming legal process might look like. Contact our firm to receive the compensation you require to heal.


When someone is wrongly injured in an accident, they often require financial compensation to heal. That’s where we come in. Contact the Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady today to learn more about what our firm can do for you.