We share most aspects of our lives on social media, the good, the bad, and the ugly. We love to post about happy events: an engagement, a new pet, the birth of a child. We also post about the difficult times: the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, and our illnesses and injuries. If you are injured in a personal injury accident, you will want to talk about it on social media. But, it is important to understand the consequences and the role social media can play in a personal injury trial. Read on to learn more.
What Should I Post on Social Media?
Ideally, you will refrain from posting on your social media accounts until your case is settled. This is because the other party will attempt to access your social media and use it to prove that your injury is not as severe as you have said.
What if I am on Private?
Today, many of us have private accounts. The internet can be a scary place, and it is natural to want to protect your information. Unfortunately, having your account set to private cannot protect you completely. Regardless, a defense attorney will be able to access your social media posts, potentially even accessing deleted posts and personal messages.
How Can This Impact Me?
Posting on your social media can impact you in several negative ways:
- Admission of fault
- If you detail the events of your accident, you may accidentally admit fault, even if you were not to blame.
- Exaggeration of injury
- A defense attorney may attempt to use your social media to try and prove that you have not been severely injured. For example, if you claim to experience neck pain when turning your head, and then you post a photo of yourself driving a car, an attorney could argue that you have exaggerated your pain and it has not actually impacted you and your everyday life.
- Emotionally Unaffected
- An injury affects you emotionally as well as physically. If you post on social media reassuring your friends and family that you are doing well, you are also letting the defense attorney and other party know you are doing well.
- Loss of confidentiality
- The topics you and your attorney discuss remain confidential. If you post about them, you risk giving the other side access to important information that should be kept private.
If you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligence of another party, reach out to our firm today.
When someone is wrongly injured in an accident, they often require financial compensation to heal. That’s where we come in. Contact the Law Offices of Brian J. O’Grady today to learn more about what our firm can do for you.